The Stone of Illusion
/Imagine if you will... planet earth shrinking down, smaller and smaller until it is the size of a marble, a tiny round sphere with all its veins and inclusions.
As you hold the world and all its inhabitants in the palm of your hand, use your imagination to gently feel the expansion of your being swell as everything else disappears and evaporates except for the smooth marble.
While holding the cool stone of illusion, feel what your world would be like to let go of the streets, people, buildings, trees, rivers, emotions and even your story.
See yourself as a balloon filled with helium at the Macy's Day parade and the string attached to it is the umbilical cord of your life. Watch, as it De-tethers from everything that ever was, is or about to be and just float free...higher and higher, adrift as your infinite self.
You can go anywhere in the cosmos with just a thought. Your soul can bungy jump weightlessly and your spirit is free to manifest your hearts desires.
Visualize the magnitude of possibilities as you reach new heights. Your being is bigger. evermore expansive than anything on the planet or the planet itself. This yielding perspective allows your innate wisdom to live and breath as it inhales and exhales love.
Be ready for the clarity as your tremendous energy transports beyond time and space. Become buoyant, fluid and pliable as you shape shift your intentions. You are powerful beyond this world. Revel when life reveals itself to you as you, a marvelous super nova.
Envision yourself as a cumulus cloud effortlessly re-shaping or the northern lights swaying and dancing in variegated glorious color and as a soft breeze you feel yet cannot see... YOU JUST KNOW!
You are larger than life!