Silver Linings
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Silver Linings - By Karen Leslie, writer with heart
In the second half of life, go for the gold always, because the silver parts of our lives are golden!
At the core we are alike in many ways. Yes, we may have had different experiences, but deep down we all want to be heard, seen and accepted. Know, you’re energy emanates beyond the riches, clothes, jewelry, job and furniture. These are things that can be replaced. You are priceless and cannot be replaced or duplicated!
It is compelling to see the ripple effect of your actions. Today, change your pattern, drive a different route, take the road less traveled as this makes life interesting plus you learn what you are made of. Fear is the enemy, fear of the unknown, but if you cross over to the unknown, you will get a big surprise! It will surprise you that you meandered successfully and it adds another layer to the fabric of your soul. By sustaining our balance without the ripples of life taking us off our inner path, we find our true voice and self. Enjoy the silver linings and surprises the ride of life presents!