/From inception to birth we are held in the womb of safety and comfort. We travel solo, making our way through the birth canal and out into the light. When held for the first time, after floating in our solitary environment, we find we are not alone after all. We get cooed and cuddled, our hands are held as we find our legs. We tumble, stumble and fall and all the while someone reaches out, lifts us up and off we go again. Later we find our independence instead of being co-dependent. We want to forge our own way, do things our own way and make our own mistakes.
In the parade of life, human beings have one surprise after another, some good and some not so good. We learn, we grow, we strive and we survive. The trick to the magic of life is to realize we are our own entity. From the decisions we make to the path we take, we are the single performer of our lives.
People, places and things come and go and what always remains is our one true voice. A single person can start a bandstand wave and before you know it we become a collective of color, sound, and energy.
One person can change another person's life and can single-handedly master anything we put our minds to. One word in passing to a stranger can change their outlook and direction and a single-minded person can get from point A to point B in record time as they race to the finish line.
In our solitude, we pray to the one we call God, become enlightened and rise to our calling. Individually, it is up to us to make the final call. A single act of kindness can bring hope to a life and in our silence, we find our own healing.
By nature, we are social creatures. Humans and animals flock together to form a union of companionship. Male to female, female to female, male to male, we join forces and mingle to ease the loneliness. Same is true in the story of Noah's Ark. Two by two the animals board the boat grateful not to be left behind in the storm.
One step for mankind, one sun, one moon, one universal energy solidifies our existence. While participating in the act of living, we have the common bond of knowing that each one of us are in this together.
We are one!