The Flow

When I am in the flow, life feels like an indulgent bubble bath! 

The feeling of soothing bubbles, like soft kisses from the fairies, floated and gently clung around me. Thinking about my world, I inhaled the aroma of my life and exhaled a big AHHH of all I have accomplished thus far.  

While soaking in the moment and watching the play of candlelight dance and throw shadows on the wall, something inside flickered...

Hmmm, am I on the right path? For reasons I can't explain, suddenly the waters of my dreams had cooled.  As I stepped out of the tub that held what I thought was my purpose, I found myself dripping with sadness and shivering in judgment.

A halt-in-flow turned my nice warm bubble bath into a cool mud bath. Doubt clogged my perception and fear gunked up my clarity. In an instant my life became flat-lined! I soon discovered the status quo left little room for growth and the time was now for deep personal face to face inquiry.

Taking the time needed, I gave myself permission to rediscover and articulate the meaning of my life. I let everything go... even my story. 

We need to do this periodically throughout our lives, reevaluate, appraise and ask the hard questions. Is the defensive tone and behavior triggered from the past?  What expectations do we put on others?  Are we wanting them to fill the holes in our own lives? What do we add, change, keep or let go of in our personal lives, work, relationships? Are we present when with others?

An avalanche of answers, ideas and creativity are ahead! I bubble up with an effervescent attitude as I navigate with care to new beginnings. Now with renewed focus, I can settle into a new course, experience new people and in the process add new success stories to the existing ones I have made along the way!