/Waking up to a morning of fresh beginnings!
As I allow life to breathe in my morning now time, the flower bed of mind and heart are colorfully cultivating with new growth.
Seeds of pleasure and purpose are starting to germinate, peeking out of fertile organic soil.
The watering can is filled with clean sparkling intentions, rich with mindful minerals for sturdy roots.
Row after row of plantings, climbing upwards on the trellis of truth, manifesting synchronicity with love and courage.
The field of dreams are bountiful in naturalism, foraging new crops of desires and instincts.
The greenness of spirit develops and inherits an indigenous dance of worship with the universal law of abundance, inhabiting the earth with established generosity.
Acts of kindness are the nutrients that supercharge and replenish us!
When carefully and mindfully planted, our seeds of life can mature with vibrant wisdom and become fully grown with the lush foliage of knowing.
When harvested and reaped by hands of gratitude, destiny unfurls her beautiful storyline, ripe with wonder and mystery.