Princess Charming
/“You can live life being charming or you can be charmed by life.”
Unlike the fairytale where only true love from Prince Charming was able to awakened sleeping beauty from the spell....
YOU are already true love in its purest form! No spell needed! You are the- one-and-only that can cast the spell of wholeness onto yourself. Wake up and take a juicy bite of the fruit of truth inside.
I invite you to envision giving your inner child a big warm hug.
She is your Princess Charming! She is love, light, compassion and forgiveness all wrapped up and swaddled in a blanket of wisdom.
The sleeping beauty self is waiting to be stroked and nurtured. As her eyes flutter, a smile forms with the knowledge of where the magic of the Universe lives... in the hearts of everyone one of us.
With eyes of wonder, become linked with the soul miracle of life and be grateful to have another day to live it!
Be careful not to squander the precious moments we are gifted. Breathe in the innocence of the moment and snuggle up to its beauty.
Reach up and out to touch and encircle others with your vibrational energetic song.
Feel the power of oneness in a world holding its breath for peace.
YOU are the soul keeper!