Tuning Fork
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Tuning Fork - By Karen Leslie, writer with heart
Friendships mirror and reflect back our growth and wisdom.
Friends are like tuning forks; they tune and fine tune our wisdom! They compassionately help harness the harmony within, embrace and guide us in a loving duet that circles us back home to our authentic self, the person you already know and are!
As you present to the world your evolved sense-of–self, your relationships and friendships become more meaningful, richer, the- you-can-count-on-friendships that listen absorb and reflect back the power you already hold then mirror back your deepest truth. They tip us right side up when at the tipping point of trapped doubt, support and hold us up when we miss step and loose our footing while teetering on the brink of new horizons.
Friends ring true with cords of balance and touch the core of our value with the song of sound advice and lovingly meet our challenges, hurts and fears right where we are.