Be Seen


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Be Seen - By Karen Leslie, writer with heart

Changing the minds climate leads to a change in perspective. Imagination leads to new thought which transpires new energies. Merging with the unknown to the known, invites us to upload love and turn life on! With change comes new choices, new thought and new action and within those discoveries we actually see and find ourselves.

I invite you to give yourself a mental hug, for this is a day of celebration and appreciation for being fully alive! The tone of intention for this day is to coexist within the framework of your values and integrity and dance with the discovery of self-awareness.  Grounded in your bubble of security and peace, your true nature becomes a beacon of light, shining your inner wealth onto all you encounter! Greet the dawn each day with a new knowing of self and when living your wisdom with honor, you will be seen and appreciated for your authenticity, confidence, flow and glow!

Now I ask you... What feeds your wisdom?