Hope & Uncertainty


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Hope & Uncertainty - By Karen Leslie, writer with heart

Where there is hope comes uncertainty, until you ask for what you want or need, then leave it to be discovered, that is when hope turns into an adventure! Look for the clues and that is… The Journey.

Hope can be tricky because there are expectations and a tendency of the attachment to the outcome of the thing you want most at the time. Hope is like being on standby. You might have a seat on the plane heading in the direction of your dreams, or you can get bumped off. You want your life to take wing, soar and your plans to take flight! You prepare for it, work hard, research and listen to your intuition. You pray about it, feel sturdy and confident you made the right choices and have the best of intentions. Yet, in reality it can go either way because we can’t control others or life itself. 

Steer your own destiny by dialing into your inner courage and knowing. Believe and trust in the process of your life. The not-working out is a blessing in disguise! Something more suited is in your future! The universe is smiling down and protecting you!

Now I ask you... What does the feeling of hope evoke?